Securing a PHP app behind Cloudflare Access with JWT Verification
I recently was working on a simple PHP utility that was secured with an .htaccess
file using a single username and password that was shared by multiple people. This leaves a lot to be desired in terms of security and maintainability.
I am a huge fan of Cloudflare and their Cloudflare Access product was a perfect fit to move this application to modern authentication. To secure your app with Cloudflare Access you should both restrict access to only Cloudflare’s IPs and most importantly verify the JWT that is sent by Cloudflare.
To verify the token, I am using the Auth0-PHP library. The library is mostly just a wrapper around lcobucci/jwt, but I found the interface to be much simpler to use. We will also use Guzzel for HTTP requests and a simple utility to convert certificates.
To install the dependancies:
$ composer require auth0/auth0-php
$ composer require codercat/jwk-to-pem
$ composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:~6.0
Next, add the following code to your application.
use Auth0\SDK\Helpers\Tokens\AsymmetricVerifier;
use Auth0\SDK\Helpers\Tokens\IdTokenVerifier;
use CoderCat\JWKToPEM\JWKConverter;
$issuer = getenv('CLOUDFLARE_ACCESS_ISSUER');
$aud = getenv('CLOUDFLARE_ACCESS_AUD');
$cfAuth = $_COOKIE['CF_Authorization'] ?? '';
if (empty($cfAuth)) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
function getKey($jwksUrl)
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$res = $client->request('GET', $jwksUrl);
if ($res->getStatusCode() != '200') {
throw new \Exception('Could not fetch JWKS');
$json = $res->getBody();
$jwks = json_decode($json);
$key_id = $jwks->keys[0]->kid;
$jwkConverter = new JWKConverter();
$key = $jwkConverter->toPEM((array) $jwks->keys[0]);
return [$key_id => $key];
try {
$id_token = rawurldecode($cfAuth);
$key = getKey($issuer . '/cdn-cgi/access/certs');
$signature_verifier = new AsymmetricVerifier($key);
$token_verifier = new IdTokenVerifier($issuer, $aud, $signature_verifier);
$user_identity = $token_verifier->verify($id_token);
// Do something with identity if you need
// i.e. store it in session, etc.
} catch (\Exception $e) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
You will need to get the environmental variables as follows.
is just your cloudflare Access domain https://<account>
can be found on the Cloudflare dashboard when creating an access policy, it is called Audience Tag
in the dashboard.
Set those environmental variables and everything should be good. If you need to access the account details you can get the sub
and email
claims from the $user_identity
object returned when you verify the token.
That’s it, your app is now secured with modern identity that can be setup with single-sign-on.